Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri
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Project manager Ing. Francesco di Pasquo.
Realization of work by Dimensione Explorer S.r.l.
The texts of the Country Churches were edited by Dr. Antonia Di Nucci.
The introductory texts of the countries were edited by Dr. Alessandra Capocefalo.
The census of Points of Interest was edited by Dr. Davide Colombo and Dr. Luca D’Agostino.
Translation of the texts was edited by Dr. Melanie Cricket.
The brand design and graphic layout of the cartoguide and brochure on the Country Churches was taken care of by Graphic Designer Jacopo Ciarlariello.
The database of points of interest was maintained by Computer Engineer Vincenzo Brunale.
The development of the site and webApp was handled by Computer Scientist Filippo Busico.