Il Cammino Delle Chiese Campestri

December 9, 2023
, the ‘Ndocciata, Italy’s most evocative fire-related event, will be celebrated in Agnone, a town in the highlands of Molise. Protagonists are the ‘Ndocce, torches nearly three meters high, which will give life to a sparkling river of fire that will flow through the entire village. An anniversary filled with symbolic meanings and
linked to peasant tradition
: from how the flames burned or the wind blew could be drawn auspices about how the harvest would go. Participating are the Agnone districts of Capammonde and Capaballe, Sant’Onofrio, Guastra, Colle Sente and San Quirico with many bearers of all ages dressed in traditional peasant clothes parading along the streets of the town.

The start of the event is set for 6 p.m., when those parading are the figurants with the products of the land, followed by the “‘ndocciatori,” the flashlight bearers starting with the single ones and following the larger ones of two, four and eight flashlights up to the fiery “fans” of ten, twelve, sixteen and twenty flashlights. Animating the fire procession are the pirouettes and choreography of the bearers of ‘Ndocce. Another significant moment of the event is the arrival of the torches at the gathering point and the lighting of the Bonfire of Brotherhood, around which all the contrade gather for the final celebration.

A spectacle so evocative that it was recognized in 2011 as “Heritage Of Italy For Tradition”

December in Agnon is also enriched with artists and musical groups known on the national scene. Scheduled are concerts by Neri per Caso (Dec. 7), Enzo Avitabile (Dec. 8 and Tiromancino on Dec. 9. The concerts, which are free of charge, will be held at the Italo Argentino Theater in Agnone.

In addition, Molisians, tourists and visitors coming to the region will have the opportunity to discover the natural beauty and places of Upper Molise including Capracotta, Pescopennataro, Belmonte del Sannio, Castel del Giudice, Civitanova del Sannio, Castelverrino, Poggio Sannita and Sant’Angelo del Pesco.